National Site

Lawrence Brothers Site

National and Lawrence Brothers Sites

Phase 1

The following activities require no additional funding from the City of Sterling and will be carried out with already approved expenditures from the prior approved budget submission.

  • Completion of the hotel market study
  • City of Sterling/Fehr Graham EPA Grant activities on Lawrence. The cost of remediation work is included in the grant and Gorman & Company is happy to assist in the outreach portion of the grant.
  • Preliminary work for historic listings on both Lawrence and National is complete and applications will be completed and submitted through Heritage Consulting Services.
  • Coordinate and complete the installation of solar lighting on the property, removal of windows, installation of widow inserts (design to be approved by city/Riverfront Commission), and the general building cleanup. This needs to be coordinated with the vendors performing the EPA grant work. Gorman to coordinate.
  • Creation/Marketing – investor package for hotel/event center in Lawrence buildings 1, 2, and 3.
  • Creation/Marketing – National buildings 3, 4, 6, and 7 – includes riverfront hospitality spaces.
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